Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

This week has started off jam packed, and, according to the calendar, will remain that way.
As a result, I can't seem to turn my thoughts off at night, resulting in a lack of....
This lack of above, now has me living on,

and this,

but mostly this.

Hopefully tonight will different!


  1. Hey, congrats on starting a blog! I recently started as well...so much to learn! Your food and buys from the farmer's market look good! I went to our farmer's market here in Denver last weekend and there was hardly any veggies! Mostly baked goods, soaps, honey, salsa, etc. East coast one's look better!

  2. I like this post. :-) Hope you can get some sleep!!

  3. Me too! I broke down tonight and picked up benadryl. =( fingers crossed!
